The International Baccalaureate (IB) exam assesses student work and measures students’ academic, intercultural and basic skills.
Credit may be earned for the International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations with scores of 4 or higher.
A score of 5, 6, or 7 on Higher Level exams is required to grade credit for IGETC certification
You can send in your scores to be awarded academic credit.
The following chart outlines the application of credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) towards each SMCCCD College’s Coursework, Associate Degree General Education (GE) requirements, California State University General Education (GE) Breadth Certification, and Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Certification.
If your SMCCCD college does not offer a course similar in content to an IB exam, the college will award credit in the General Education area shown on the California Community College General Education IB List. If there is no General Education area that aligns the IB exam, the College may award elective credit.
Please note:
All units listed are semester units.
IB Examination HL
SMCCCD Course Equivalent
SMCCCD Associate Degree GE Area (3 semester units with a minimum score of 5, unless otherwise indicated)
CSU Credit Units (A minimum score of 5, unless otherwise indicated)
CSU GE Breadth Area (3 semester units with a minimum score of 5, unless otherwise indicated)
IGETC Area (3 semester units with a minimum score of 5)
UC Credit Units
Skyline & Cañada: B2 and B3 (4 units)
CSM: E5A (4 units)
CHEM 192 (score: 5,6) CHEM 210 (score: 7)
Skyline & Cañada: B1 and B3
AA/AS Units: CHEM 210 (5 units), CHEM 192 (4 units)
Skyline & Cañada: D
Skyline & Cañada: D
History (any Region)
Skyline & Cañada: C2 or D
CSM: E5B or E5C
Language A Literature (Any Language)
Skyline & Cañada: C2 (Minimum Score of 4)
CSM: E5C (Minimum Score of 4)
6 (Minimum Score of 4)
C2 (Minimum Score of 4)
Language A Language and Literature (Any Language)
Skyline & Cañada: C2 (Minimum Score of 4)
CSM: E5C (Minimum Score of 4)
6 (Minimum Score of 4)
C2 (Minimum Score of 4)
Language B (any language)