I have a contract requiring review and signature. What should I do?
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill enters into a wide range of contracts (legally enforceable agreements) with outside parties on behalf of itself and its units. Only individuals with specific delegated signature authority are authorized to negotiate, amend, or terminate a UNC contract.
Faculty and staff may use the information provided below to find the UNC contracting office tasked with managing common transactions. Each office has a specific area of responsibility. Personnel in these offices are knowledgeable of the UNC policies and state and federal regulations that govern each transaction. Often, contract review is initiated by submitting a request online, and links to the appropriate starting points are provided below. If you are unable to determine your starting point from the information below, please choose the transaction that most closely matches your needs. The appropriate office will work with you to determine next steps.
Specialized transactions are sometimes administered under authority granted directly to the unit tasked with administering the action (e.g. Campus Health Services, Ackland Art Museum, Athletics). These activities are not included in the information below but can be found in the delegated signature authority list.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a contract? A contract is an agreement between two or more separate legal entities that creates a legally binding obligation. It may include a financial component (transfer of money), but not always. A contract might be called any number of things, including a Memorandum of Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding. “Terms and Conditions” associated with the use of a website or service may also constitute a contract.
- Can I just sign this myself? Probably not on behalf of the University unless you have received a letter specifically delegating such authority to you. Only individuals with delegated signature authority can sign a contract that is binding upon the University. The list of individuals with signature authority delegated from the Chancellor is attached to the Policy on Signing University Contracts. Agreements related to approved external professional activities for pay (EPAPs) are not University agreements and should be signed and reviewed by the authorized employee. Intra-University agreements (between units within the University) are not contracts that require authorized signature, but may benefit from review by one or more of the offices below.
- How long will it take? Contracts at the University generally can take from one day to several weeks to execute, depending on the complexity of the contract and volume of contracts already in process.
- What do I do with click-through agreements required to access software or data? Complete the Data Protection Checklist and obtain review and approval as indicated by the checklist.
- Can I ask my students to sign a contract? No.
Quick Reference Guide: By Administering Unit
Instructions By Administering Unit
Quick Reference Guide: By Transaction Type (may be incoming or outgoing)
Instructions By Transaction Type
- I want to apply for a grant (all partners)
- I have been notified that I will receive a grant or funding for a sponsored project (all partners)
- I want to amend an existing industry sponsored research agreement and add funds
- I want to establish a teaming agreement for a sponsored project (all partners)
- I want to issue a subaward under my funded project that is already in RAMSES (excludes purchase of services and site agreements under industry clinical trials)
- I want to engage in a confidential discussion with a third party regarding research or a sponsored project or I have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or confidential disclosure
agreement (CDA) regarding research for review
- I want to enter into an unfunded research agreement (all partners)
- I want to send and/or receive data (all partners)
- I want to enter into a master research agreement (industry partners)
- I want to amend an existing industry sponsored research agreement without a budget change
- I want receive materials used to treat patients in clinical trials
- I need an agreement for a recharge center service
- I want to engage in a confidential discussion with a third party regarding a clinical trial with an industry sponsor or I have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or confidential
disclosure agreement (CDA) regarding a clinical trial for review
- I want to engage in an industry sponsored clinical trial
- I want to amend an existing industry clinical trial agreement
- I need want to engage in a confidential discussion with a third party regarding a purchase or I have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or confidential disclosure agreement (CDA)
regarding a purchase for review
- I want to purchase supplies, equipment, or services costing more than $5,000 (excludes research subawards)
- I need a business associate agreement (HIPAA) to go with my purchase (only UNC unmodified BAA accepted)
- I want to receive demo/evaluation equipment or software (excludes permanent donations)
- I want to engage in a confidential discussion with a third party regarding intellectual property or I have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or confidential disclosure agreement
(CDA) regarding intellectual property for review
- I want to send or receive materials (excludes materials used to treat patients in clinical trials)
- An external party wants to license UNC intellectual property
- I have been asked to sign a license to use third party intellectual property
- I need an intellectual property management agreement
- I need a business associate agreement (HIPAA) or modifications to the UNC BAA have been requested
- I want to solicit philanthropic support for my area of focus
- I am receiving software or cloud donation
- I am receiving donated equipment (in-kind)
- I expect to receive a directed gift or award from a donor
- I want to donate to the University
- I am receiving a research gift
- I have a question about grant versus gift
- I want to engage a lawyer or law firm for services
- I want to settle a dispute
- I want to create a waiver or release of liability for participants in a University activity
- I want to engage in a non-research or non-clinical activity or partnership that generates revenue for the University
- I want to permit an outside party to use a space that my department controls on a short-term basis
- I want to lease space off-campus
- I want to acquire or dispose of real property
- I want to permit an outside party to use a space that my department controls on a long-term basis
- I want to engage an independent contractor and pay an individual (or single member LLC) rather than an entity
- I want to start a new digital or online education program
- I want to use or let someone else use a University trademark
- I want to execute a Memorandum of Understanding or collaboration agreement with a foreign institution
- I want to establish an exchange of students and/or faculty with a foreign institution
- I want to work with an organization or company to offer study abroad or other international opportunities for students from my school/unit
- I want to establish a joint/dual degree or academic program with a foreign institution
- I want to host visiting students or scholars from a foreign institution
- A company or individual has asked for permission to come to campus to use equipment in my lab
- I want to provide or receive clinical training (excludes CME)
- I want to provide or receive professional clinical services (excludes UNCFP)
- I want to provide or receive professional non-clinical services
- I want to solicit support for educational activities
- I want to serve as an expert witness
- I need supporting documents for licensure or certification
- My transaction is not in the list above
This website was jointly created by the Office of Sponsored Research, Purchasing Department, Office of University Development, UNC Global, Office of Professional Service Contracts and Affiliations, Office of Technology Commercialization, and Office of University Counsel. If you still have questions about where to route your agreement, choose the office that reviews transactions that most closely match your needs and contact that office to assist you in determining next steps. If you want to report broken links or have other technical website issues, please contact Sarah Goldin at sarah.goldin@unc.edu.